
Who we want to be

A transparent alternative to fast fashion – created to bring an emotional connection back to everyday essentials. We are a business, but we believe every company has a responsibility to the environment and future.

Who we want to be

A transparent alternative to fast fashion – created to bring a personality to everyday essentials. We aren’t bleeding heart activists (or at least not all of us), but we believe every company has a responsibility to the environment and our future.

How we get there


Follow a print-on-demand strategy to prevent overproduction.


Use only certified suppliers and resources.


Limit shipping routes by printing our clothes as close as possible.


We make sure all our products are WRAP certified. What does WRAP stand for you might ask?
It stands for Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production.
This service, established in 2000 by the American Apparel and Footwear Association, verifies and ensures both the traceability and visibility of factories and a business’s commitment to responsible business practices. The standards required are 12 principles of which health and safety, environmental, compensation and child labor considerations are included among others.
This certification is the first step when evaluating our supply chain and we have been lucky to find suppliers who go above and beyond this certification alone to ensure premium quality, environmentally safe practices and fair trade sourcing.

Knowing where our clothes come from and taking responsibility for the impact we have on the environment is just the first step in our efforts to retie emotion to clothing. Now memories can be made without the guilt of fast fashion.

Supply Chain

Although we are learning and improving constantly, we are dedicated to getting things right the first time around. A great concern of ours is the idea that our efforts and impact may be spoiled by a lack of experience when it comes to certain warehousing and production aspects of our business. Luckily there are good people and good companies in the world that share our mindset:

if carelessly undergone, the movement and storage of products has a devastating effect.

This article by the Union of Concerned Scientists lays out the issue beautifully.  We call ourselves “GoodPeople”, therefore we see it as our responsibility to be the most sustainable version of a streetwear brand we can be.

This includes conscious treatment of the environment, the clothes we wear and the workers who create them for us. So we choose to work with professionals with decades of experience- leaning on their efficiencies in the field of environmentally conscious logistics and their dedication to providing safe working conditions and livable wages at the same time. Here is an article featured on that explains some best practices we value and believe can make a difference in the world. Although daunting, we see this opportunity as one to be overcome and one that can be made to have a positive impact on the world.


As with our printing and warehousing we choose to invest a larger part of our profits in helping the causes we believe in and to pass up on opportunities to expand ourselves further up the supply chain. This said, we believe very strongly in clothing with a story and knowing where your clothes come from. The two brands we currently work with are Cotton Heritage for our graphic tees and Gildan for our longsleeve shirts and hoodies. The links provided lead directly to informational sources where you will find their dedication to ethically sourced, fair trade, and eco-friendly practices are clear and thorough.
Both companies and their facilities are WRAP certified and have a long track record of prioritizing their workers, the workers of their suppliers and the environment. Going above and beyond their certification, both companies do an incredible job enacting state-of-the-art technologies and have been proven leaders in their field when it comes to innovating methods of reducing their footprint, taking responsibility for our impact on the environment.


As with our printing and warehousing we choose to invest a larger part of our profits in helping the causes we believe in and to pass up on opportunities to expand ourselves further up the supply chain. This said, we believe very strongly in clothing with a story and knowing where your clothes come from. The two brands we currently work with are Cotton Heritage for our graphic tees and Gildan for our longsleeve shirts and hoodies. The links provided lead directly to informational sources where you will find their dedication to ethically sourced, fair trade, and eco-friendly practices are clear and thorough.
Both companies and their facilities are WRAP certified and have a long track record of prioritizing their workers, the workers of their suppliers and the environment. Going above and beyond their certification, both companies do an incredible job enacting state-of-the-art technologies and have been proven leaders in their field when it comes to innovating methods of reducing their footprint, taking responsibility for our impact on the environment.